Windows app update – v 2.20 published

What’s new in v2.20?

  • New column : “No-vig line”.

No-vig (vig-free) line, in few words, it’s a true value of the odd (without bookmaker margin). Very important metric in value-betting strategy where the goal is not to win every bet you place, but to make decisions that have a positive expected value (+EV). This can be achieved by placing trades that have a larger chance of winning than implied by the odds. So when you look for a value-bet on soft bookie, you should skip the bet if odds on dropping side are below no-vig value.
For more info – google it (#noVig #vigFree #closingOdds)

  • “Hide item” fixed, there was bug that similar lines could came back.
  • GUI improvement (bigger fonts).

Direct link to download ->

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